The Best Career Options for Logically Minded People 


For decades, scientists believed that the left hemisphere of your brain and the right hemisphere were responsible for different types of thinking – that the left hemisphere was better for logic, analytical thinking, and reasoning, while the right hemisphere was more about creativity, spatial reasoning, and abstract thinking. 

Some people are “left brained,” meaning they’re better suited for logic and analysis, while others are “right brained,” and better at creative tasks.

Turns out, this isn’t an accurate depiction of how the human brain works. But some of us are definitely better at logical thinking than others. Logic comes more naturally to them, and they tend to be better at math, logic, and reason-based problem solving.

What are the best career paths for people like this? And how can you find one that suits you?

The Best Career Options for Logically Minded People

These are some of the best careers to try if you have an affinity for logic and reason:

  1. Accounting. First, you could become an accountant – even a certified CPA. Accountants need to have a methodical approach and attention to detail, since they work with numbers and important financial records all day. As an accountant, you’ll be keeping track of company finances – and helping leaders make better, logically founded decisions for their companies.
  2. Programming. You could also venture into programming, turning into a software engineer. Mastering the basic tenets of programming can be tough, but with enough practice, it will come naturally. From there, you’ll spend most of your days solving tough problems and coming up with logical solutions.
  3. Detective work. Have you ever thought about becoming a detective? Law enforcement officers, criminologists, and even private detectives have to work tirelessly to solve cases – sometimes with little to no initial leads. If you like reading mysteries or if you have a passion for justice, this is an especially rewarding career.
  4. Investing. Good investors don’t make decisions in the heat of the moment. They don’t jump on bandwagons or get caught up in trends. Instead, they make a cold, effective investment plan and they follow it. Working as an investment banker or investing your own assets as a day trader could be the best use of your skills.
  5. Law. The law is black and white (for the most part), which makes analytical reasoning a perfect skill for lawyers and paralegals. You’ll need to think about your cases in cold, logical ways – and use your problem solving abilities to navigate this complicated field.
  6. Medicine. As a doctor or a nurse, you’ll need to have significant emotional capacity and a genuine desire to help others. But you’ll also need to remain unbiased and treat people in an efficient, logic-based way. It’s important to objectively analyze your patients, do lots of research, and make the most accurate diagnoses (and treatment plans) you can. It’s also a great career if you want to make as much money as possible.
  7. Teaching. Again, teaching has a demanding emotional component; you’ll need to be empathetic to connect with your students. But you’ll also need to have a logical approach. You’ll need to think about your chosen topics objectively and in many different ways – and brainstorm new approaches to teach more effectively.
  8. Writing. There are many different types of writing available, but all of them require at least some logical thinking. You’ll need to think through your topics, do cold, logical research, and brainstorm how your audience will receive what you’re writing before you commit to it on paper.

Finding the Best Career for You

If you’re struggling to figure out what career is best for you, personally, there are a number of steps that can help you, including:

  • Taking classes. Start by taking classes in your chosen career field; there may be affordable options at a local community college, or you can start taking classes online for free.
  • Meeting people from different careers. Start networking with different people in this field. Ask them about their experiences and what they’d recommend to a newcomer.
  • Volunteering or interning. When you have a bit more background knowledge, you can volunteer or intern with a company in your chosen field. It might eventually lead to a bigger job opportunity.

You don’t have to make your career decision overnight – and even if you work in a career for a decade or longer, there’s always time to change to something else. In fact, the average person changes careers 12 times throughout their lifetime.

Still, this is an important decision and it pays to take it seriously. Use your logically-minded brain to think through all your available options, do your due diligence, and ultimately come up with the vocational path that suits you best. 


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