Tchia Treasure Chest locations: Where to find all 21 Treasure Chests


Are you stuck trying to find one of the many Treasure Chests in Tchia? A short way into the story of Awaceb’s delightful open-world adventure game Tchia, Gaby will give you a treasure map and an old key. Oh goody, a side-quest, you may think – not realising that the next several hours are likely to be spent trying to track down every last one of the whopping 21 Treasure Chests hidden about the land of Tchia.

To help cut down on the frustration of trying to decipher each of the treasure maps the game offers you, we’ve written this guide. Below we’ve revealed the exact locations of every single Treasure Chest in Tchia, along with instructions on how to find it and which Tchia animals and tools you’ll need to bring with you to help access each chest.

Tchia Treasure Chest locations

Below is our Tchia interactive map, with all 21 Treasure Chest locations marked. You can click on each marker to find out more about how to find and open each chest, and you can also click on the “Expand Map” button to enter the map’s fullscreen mode.

Expand map

If you need further assistance with finding a particular Treasure Chest, keep reading for our walkthrough on how to find and open up every last Treasure Chest in the game.

Treasure Chest #1: Gaby’s Old Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Dopwa, Ija Nöj

The first Treasure Chest, as the map indicates, is on the tiny island Dopwa. This island can be found on the south coast of Ija Nöj (that’s the more northern of the two giant islands of the map), and you’ll know it immediately thanks to the large rock bulging out of its centre, as you can see from the treasure map.

The chest itself is nestled at the base of the rock, on the side facing the open sea. Open it to find the next treasure map and key, and begin your treasure hunt in earnest.

Treasure Chest #2: Red Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Dopwa, Ija Nöj

The second Treasure Chest is only a very short distance from the first. From Dopwa, facing inland, head around the right side of the hill in front of you, and you’ll find a cave opening in its side. Enter the cave, and you’ll find the next Treasure Chest. Easy!

Treasure Chest #3: Orange Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Hua, Ija Nöj
Requires: Crab

Treasure Chest #3 is located near the eastern edge of Ija Nöj. There’s a small donut-shaped lake marked on the map as “Hua” – drop into its centre, and you’ll find the third Treasure Chest opened with the Orange Key.

Before you can open this chest, you’ll need to break the chains looped around it. To do this, you need to possess a crab. You can usually find one in the lake itself. In crab form, scuttle up to the chest and snip the chains so you can open it up and get the next map and key.

Treasure Chest #4: Yellow Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Hua, Ija Nöj

From the location of the previous chest, turn and look southwest. Below the carving on the wall is an underwater passage. Follow the passage until it opens up into a large underwater cave. In the left corner you’ll find the next Treasure Chest on the sea floor.

To exit the cave afterwards you can either retrace your steps back to Hua, or continue on until you reach the underwater tunnel at the end of the cavern, which will pop you out onto the surface of one of the tiny islands on the south coast of Ija Nöj.

Treasure Chest #5: Light Green Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Dok, Ija Nöj
Requires: Explosives

Treasure Chest #5 is located not far from Hua, but you’ll need explosives to reach it, so make sure you have some on you before going for the chest.

A short distance to the northeast is a section of coast labelled “Dok” on the map. Skirt the coast just above Dok, and you’ll find an entrance blocked by fallen rocks (3 entrances, actually, spread about the cliff face, but you only need to blow open one of them as they all lead to the same place). Blow open the entrance, and a short distance into the cave you’ll find the next Treasure Chest.

Treasure Chest #6: Dark Green Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Xupi Atü, Madra Nöj

This is the first Treasure Chest that requires you to set foot on the other main island, Madra Nöj. As the treasure map indicates, this chest is located on the western tip of the island, part of the way up the hill that sits next to the westernmost dock of the island. Climb the hill from the side facing the dock, and you’ll see a small cave opening. Tchia herself can’t fit in that gap; luckily there’s a pile of pebbles that you can possess to roll yourself into the cave and access the next Treasure Chest.

Treasure Chest #7: Turquoise Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Ita, Madra Nöj
Requires: Digging Animal (Dog, Pig, Boar)

A short distance into Madra Nöj, you’ll see an area marked “Ita”. To the southwest of this label is a large tree. You can actually see it as a patch of light green amid the darker green of the grass on the map. Head to this tree, and at its base you’ll see an “X” on the ground. Possess a digging animal (a dog, pig, or boar) and use their ability while standing on the “X” to dig up the Treasure Chest so you can open it up.

Treasure Chest #8: Light Blue Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Pwärä Nyââ, Madra Nöj
Requires: Explosives + Crab

This might be the first treasure map that gives you a little confusion. But don’t fret – the 8th Treasure Chest can be found northeast of Ita, across the river. Have a look around the top of the hill and you’ll see a walled in cave opening that can be exploded. Fortunately, there’s a Mwaken (a spirit totem) next to the opening which you can possess (as long as you’ve reached Chapter VI of the main story – otherwise you can just use any other type of explosive). You’ll also need a crab to break the chains around the chest inside the cave.

Treasure Chest #9: Dark Blue Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Sei, Ija Nöj
Requires: Digging Animal (Dog, Pig, Boar)

The next Treasure Chest is found back on Ija Nöj (the northwest main island). Head to Sei, the bridge connecting the two main sections of the island. The Treasure Chest can be found in a small cave near the river, a very short distance northwest of the bridge itself. You’ll need a digging animal to excavate the Treasure Chest and obtain the next map and key.

Treasure Chest #10: Purple Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Jawe Dö, Ija Nöj
Requires: Crab

To find the 10th Treasure Chest which fits the purple key, trek northwest to Jawe Dö, a small lake near that strange jutting out bit of beach on the island’s north coast. Once at the lake, dive down into its depths and follow the underwater tunnel until you reach the Treasure Chest – which again requires a crab to open. You might also want to possess a fish or a small rock to ensure you don’t run out of air while swimming to the chest location.

Treasure Chest #11: Pink Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Leböö Hau, Ija Nöj
Requires: Explosives + Digging Animal

To find the next Treasure Chest, head to the largest tree in Tchia. This tree can be found in the centre of the bottom section of Ija Nöj, and is marked on the map as Leböö Hau. See the path right next to the tree? Cross over to the other side of the path and look down the side of the rock below it to find a cave entrance. Explode the cave entrance open, and you’ll find that it’s just a tiny little cubby hole with an “X” on the ground. Dig it up with a dog, pig, or boar, and open the 11th Treasure Chest.

Treasure Chest #12: Fuchsia Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Shipwreck
Requires: Crab

The 12th Treasure Chest is located at the Shipwreck a short distance to the northwest of Madra Nöj. Head there with your boat, and then dive down to the very bottom of the shipwreck on the west side. Near the ocean floor you’ll see a way into the underbelly of the ship, where the Treasure Chest and other collectibles are waiting. You’ll need a crab to break the chains on the chest.

Treasure Chest #13: Black Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Ecële, Madra Nöj
Requires: Digging Animal + Crab

With the Black Key in your possession, head to the eastern edge of Madra Nöj, to the hill between Meelo (the ship) and the dock to its north. There’s a fairly prominent white tree in the ground near the hill, on the coast side. Find the “X” on the ground at its base, and dig it up with a digging animal. Then possess a crab to break the chest’s chains and open it up.

Treasure Chest #14: White Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Pûrû Mîî, Madra Nöj
Requires: Explosives

This rather cryptic treasure map is telling you to head to the highest point on Madra Nöj. If you don’t want to spend time looking – that place is marked on the map as Pûrû Mîî, and is near the centre of the island. Approach the hill from the river from the northwest, and part of the way up you’ll see one of the telltale white carvings on the side of the cliff.

Just below this white carving is a tiny hole – you’ll need to possess something small to get in there. After that follow the cave until you reach a doorway which you’ll need to break open with explosives. Then you can finally reach the 14th Treasure Chest. That was a tough one!

Treasure Chest #15: Red Stripes Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Hûnye, Madra Nöj
Requires: Crab

This next Treasure Chest is much easier! Look on the world map. See those two small islands in the centre of Madra Nöj? There’s a broken bridge on the east side of the top island. It’s where the pathways on the map meet the river. Dive into the river below, and you’ll find the chest beneath the sunken portion of the bridge. It’s locked with chains, so bring a crab.

Treasure Chest #16: Yellow Stripes Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Koilo, Madra Nöj
Requires: Explosives + Digging Animal + Crab

The 16th Treasure Chest is located in the southeast of Madra Nöj, on the southwest edge of Tru Tim – the giant lake dominating that portion of the island. Running along this edge of the lake are some giant industrial pipes, and just beyond one of them, embedded in the hill beyond, is the closed off entrance to a cave. Use explosives to break it open, and then a digging animal to excavate the chest. Finally, use a crab to break open the chains.

Treasure Chest #17: Pink Dots Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Xupi Nüü, Madra Nöj
Requires: Digging Animal + Crab

To find the next Treasure Chest you’ll need to head to the outskirts of Xupi Nüü – the fort on the very eastern edge of Madra Nöj. Skirt around the north side of the fort, and nestled up against the edge of the rock is a small cave. No explosives needed this time, just a digging animal and a crab.

Treasure Chest #18: Green Dots Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Ieji Sinöe
Requires: Explosives + Digging Animal

To find the next Treasure Chest you’ll need to sail to Ieji Sinöe, the mysterious far-off home of the Mwaken in the southwest of the map. Skirt along the southern edge of the island until you’re at the edge of the platform where the Banyan Tree resides. On the coastal edge of this rockface there is a slim cave entrance which you’ll need to blast open (most likely by possessing a Mwaken).

After that, you just need a digging animal to reach the chest itself.

Treasure Chest #19: Bronze Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Ieji Sinöe
Requires: Explosives + Crab

The first of the final three Treasure Chests is also found on Ieji Sinöe. Remember those two giant statues on the north-east edge of the island? Have a look near the base of the north-most statue, and you’ll see a large cave entrance. Head a short way into the cave and you’ll find another blocked off entryway which can be blasted open with the help of the Mwaken next to it. After that, use a crab to snip the bindings, and you’re in.

Treasure Chest #20: Silver Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Gutu, Ija Nöj
Requires: Crab

The Silver Key Treasure Chest is located in a shoal patch to the north of Ija Nöj, and to the northwest of the mini island of Gutu on Ija Nöj’s north coast. Dive down into the centre of the shoal patch, near the one tiny speck of land on the map. The Treasure Chest is in a tiny alcove near another statue like the ones at Ieji Sinöe. Cut the chains with a crab, and open the chest to access the final map and key.

Treasure Chest #21: Gold Key

A treasure map in Tchia, marking the location of a Treasure Chest somewhere in the world.

Part of the Tchia map with a pin marking the location of a Treasure Chest.

Location: Uma
Requires: Digging Animal + Crab

The final Treasure Chest in Tchia is found near your home island, Uma, where you started the game. Sail to the northmost of the three islands around there, and once on that tiny island, look at the base of the northmost tree to see the very last “X” marking the spot. Possess a digging animal to dig up the chest, and then possess a crab to break the chains and open the last chest and complete this monumental treasure hunt!

Hopefully this guide has allayed your frustration and confusion around trying to decipher those pesky treasure maps dotted about the world of Tchia. For more on Awaceb’s wonderful tropical adventure game, check out our Tchia review.

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