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top 10

15 Most Popular Esports Games in 2024

Did you know that the first video game tournament was held in 1972? Now, over five decades later, we have hundreds of tournaments in each big game every year, and those games deserve some recognition. So, here is the list of the most…

Best Seeds in Terraria

There is no game perhaps as timeless as Terraria. While it involves mining and crafting, it is without a doubt unique in many ways. From its Lovecraftian lore to its slimes dressed as bunnies, Terraria will stand out from the rest of the…

Top 10 Scariest Horror Games of 2023

From Triple-A titles to indie bangers, 2023 was a fantastic year for horror games! This past year, the horror genre reached new heights with a slew of terrifying titles that promised to haunt even the most laid-back gamers’ nightmares.…

The 10 Most Overrated Games of 2023

2023 was admittedly a pretty good time for gaming, but not all of this year’s triple-A titles were worth their price tags. Grab your popcorn and power up your consoles as we embark on a journey through the pixelated pitfalls of the most…

10 Best Anime like Heavenly Delusion

Heavenly Delusion is a post-apocalyptic anime that has quickly swept across the otaku community with a vengeance, taking over the hearts and minds of all who watch it! This unique anime is undoubtedly one of the most popular releases of…