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The Walking Dead

Let The Walking Dead Die

A decade ago, The Walking Dead wasn’t a mere TV show, it was an impossible-to-escape cultural phenomenon. Crafted with precision, powerful performances, and prosthetics, early TWD rose above regular zombie fare upon its 2010 premiere—that…

The 12 Buggiest Video Games Of 2023

Image: Flux GamesIt’s a different developer, but the publisher is the same. GameMill Entertainment, the company behind Skull Island: Rise of Kong developer IguanaBee, had its hand in yet another buggy and broken mess of a game this year.

The Last of Us Needs To Take A Break

Remember when it took us seven years to get a new The Last of Us game? Remember when there was even a question about whether or not we’d ever get a sequel to Naughty Dog’s post-apocalyptic action game because the ending was so intentionally…