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Supergiant Games

How to get Moss in Hades 2

Moss is a common plant in real life, but it’s worth its weight in gold in Hades 2. It’s a resource that you cannot complete the game without, allowing you to progress past an obstacle barring your path. Here’s where to find Moss in Hades…

Best weapons in Hades 2, ranked

Plenty of weapon choices are in your arsenal, but which are the best? If you’re looking to reach Tartarus or breach the surface in Hades 2, here are the best weapons, ranked. Hades 2: Best weapons, ranked Image: Supergiant Games 5. Umbral…

Every way to get more lives in Hades 2

In Hades 2, death doesn’t have to be the end of your run. There are ways to get more than one life, which will serve you extraordinarily well on your runs. How to get more lives in Hades 2 As far as I know, there are currently only two…

How to get all Silver Pool tools

To continue moving forward and upgrade your build to survive the Night, you will have to purchase incantations and seek the help of the Fates. We will need some tools to do so, though, so pay attention: here is how to get all the Silver…

when and why it happens

In Hades 2, Eris, a daughter of Nyx, may appear every now and then to stir up a little trouble. She doesn’t appear the same for everyone, however, and for some, not at all. What is Eris’ Blessingi in Hades 2? When Eris appears, it’s not a…