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Best Sentinel Skills in Last Epoch

In Last Epoch, there are five Base Classes to choose from when you set up a playthrough. Among them is the Sentinel, a tanky melee Class that can be further customized through Skill selection and Nodes. If you’re wondering about the best…

Last Epoch Best Base Class

In Last Epoch, there are several Base Classes that you can choose form when beginning a new playthrough. Each Base Class has a unique playstyle, perks, and weaknesses, so knowing which one will suit you the best can be extremely helpful.…

Corrupted Planets, New Threats & More

On April 5, Hello Games unwrapped its latest update for the ever-expanding No Man’s Sky deep space sim and folks, if you’ve been holding out on diving back into this epic-scale universe, I dunno how you’re gonna resist this siren’s song. A