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Isaac Clarke

Mars Rover Without A Cause

Fort Solis feels like running into a barely-remembered ex at the grocery store—nice to look at and unbearably boring. Through its sprightly voice actors’ sheer will, the third-person adventure game sometimes succeeds in its aim to shock…

2023’s Best Horror Game Death Scenes

Image: CapcomWe’re done with half of 2023 and many of its fantastic horror games, though there’s more on the way (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alan Wake 2, and the Silent Hill 2 remake are still due out). That means we’ve willingly

The Best Games Of 2023 (So Far)

EA Star Wars2019’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was an excellent, if occasionally awkward, fusing of design sensibilities lifted from games ranging from Uncharted to Dark Souls, all wrapped up in a compelling, distinctly Star Wars-y story…