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Handheld game console

News, Leaks, And Everything We Know

We know there’s going to be a follow-up to the Switch. Mostly because the other option is Nintendo just hanging up its hat and walking off into the sea, and that’d be weird. Nintendo is, as ever, entirely mute on the subject, but rumors are…

A New Handheld Sega Genesis Is On The Way

Like measuring temperature on the deranged scale of Fahrenheit, the United States is nearly alone in the world in calling Sega’s classic gaming console the “Genesis.” The 1989 SNES rival was actually called the Mega Drive, and it’s time to…

The Steam Deck Crushed It In 2023

Valve introduced the world to the Steam Deck in 2022 and it was an instant hit with countless Steam users who jumped at the chance to take their games just about anywhere. As we close out 2023, the Steam Deck remains one of the best pieces…

Steam Deck OLED: Here’s Your First Look

If you’ve been holding off on buying a Steam Deck for a bit, I’ve got some great news: Today, November 9, 2023, Valve announced a hardware refresh for the Steam Deck. It’s called the Steam Deck OLED and, yes, the new, (and very) improved…