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graveyard keeper

Graveyard Keeper: How to Get Science

It sounds strange to us, too, but how do you get science? Well, it’s a thing that happens in Graveyard Keeper, and considering you’ll be trawling about completing quests and finding cost-cutting methods for your primary vocation, we’re…

How to Get a Stamp

Graveyard Keeper will have you transporting corpses from a donkey courier to the morgue and then to the graveyard. Furthermore, you can harvest those corpses for body parts and organs to sell. But that won’t be possible unless you have a…

Graveyard Keeper: How to Get Oil

Graveyard Keeper might often feel like one big fetch quest. One morning, the donkey will decide you’re big enough now to start paying up for his services. He’ll stop delivering corpses until you give him carrots. Then, once you get those…

How to Get Moths in Graveyard Keeper

While playing Graveyard Keeper, you will encounter numerous insects all over the map, and finding some of them can be a tricky task. They all help in various ways, for example, with fishing and crafting. Here you will find our guide on how…

Graveyard Keeper Zombie Guide

There is nothing more dull than having to do all your work by yourself so Graveyard Keeper has the perfect solution: zombies! Zombies are great workers as they are quiet and do as they are told. To make these helpful zombies, just check…