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Fortnite guides

How to keep cool in Lego Fortnite

Staying cool is a key part of survival in Lego Fortnite. If your temperature ticks above safe levels too much and for too long, you’ll start taking damage. So you’ll need something to make you resistant to the high temperatures. Our Lego…

How to keep warm in Lego Fortnite

Staying warm is a key part of surviving in Lego Fortnite. Being cold slows down your movement speed and, if your temperature drops below safe levels for too long, it’ll eat away at your health. Our Lego Fortnite guide will explain how to…

How to make a glider in Lego Fortnite

Crafting a glider in Lego Fortnite is not an easy task, but it will make navigating the world a lot easier (and faster). The glider has a relatively simple recipe, but it’s a midgame item, so you’ll have to have a lot of infrastructure…

How to find ruby in Lego Fortnite

Ruby is a resource you’ll have to find in Lego Fortnite if you want to level up your village or make better weapons and tools. Finding it is going to take a bit of prep work, though, as it is only found in one biome. Our Lego Fortnite…

The best seeds in Lego Fortnite

The best seeds in Lego Fortnite offer everything from rich resource deposits and exploration areas to easy access for early biomes. But if the possibilities are endless — and they essentially are — where do you start? In our Lego…