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Fallout 76

Where to find Mega Sloths in Fallout 76

The wasteland of Fallout 76 can be seen as a dangerous place full of things that want to kill you. However, this might be half true. Yes, there are things like the Lesser Devils that deadset on hurting, but on the other hand, the game has …

Where to find Gulpers in Fallout 76

The more I play Fallout 76, the weirder the creatures I encounter. If you’ve met the Radtoads, you know exactly what I’m talking about. On the other hand, Gulpers aren’t quite as terrifying but can still make one’s skin crawl. They are …

Fallout 76 Gauss Minigun Guide

Sometimes, you need to make a statement in the Wasteland, and wielding a weapon that spits fire and is the size of a small family car is the way to do it. The Gauss Minigun in Fallout 76 is a serious piece of machinery, especially with a…

Where to find a Radtoad in Fallout 76

Boil ’em, roast ’em, or stick ’em in a stew. The Radtoad, of Fallout 76 fame, is very versatile and delicious if you know where to find it. Here is a quick breakdown of three locations where you will consistently find the pond-dwelling,…