Exoprimal Beta Test 2 Preview

Exoprimal‘s second beta test is over, but this time I actually got around to playing it. The first one coincided with one of Diablo IV‘s betas, which is a pretty ballsy move by Capcom considering how this is a new IP with a pretty unique…

Viewfinder Preview | TechRaptor

It’s not every day you run into a first-person puzzle game that frames things in a new way – and Viewfinder does that in the most literal sense. By challenging your perception of 2D photos in 3D spaces, it’s an engaging yet cozy way to play…

Gord Preview – Oh My Gord!

RTS games are a heavily explored genre, so how do you make it fresh? Well, one option is to set it in medieval Europe, have it heavily feature human sacrifice, and fill it with disgusting eldritch gods and evil spirits that are liable to…

Fae Farm Preview | TechRaptor

Cozy farming sims have had a big renaissance since Stardew Valley came along, and it’s even usurped Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons as touchpoints of the genre. Phoenix Labs, known for creating Dauntless, is joining the barnyard party…

Remnant II Preview | TechRaptor

In all of gaming, there’s a certain beauty in grinding for loot. Watching your damage numbers get higher so you can kill bigger things to get even better gear never really gets old, whether it’s the recently released Diablo IV or the…

Lies of P Preview – Niche Gamer

The Souls-like genre is excessively hard to replicate; games like Mortal Shell, The Surge, and Lords of the Fallen all tried but failed to capture what makes these titles unique. It’s a massive undertaking to try and recreate something so…