All 11 Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK) Arcs, Ranked From Standard to Special Grade


Jujutsu Kaisen is host to some truly impressive story arcs, but there are those that stand as the best of the bunch. That’s why we’ve created this list of every current Jujutsu Kaisen arc ranked from run of the mill Shonen fodder to Special Grade exemplars of storytelling.

Please note that this list is based off of every currently available arc in the series, which does include those from the manga. Consider reading up to the most recent chapter of the manga via the official Shonen Jump app or website before proceeding, as this is your one and only *Spoiler Warning*.

11. Fearsome Womb Arc

Sukuna with an Evil Smile While Lurking Inside Yuji in Jujutsu Kaisen Fearsome Womb Arc
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

The first arc of Jujutsu Kaisen is by no means bad, but it does feel lackluster compared to what comes after it.

Setting the stage for what would come to pass, it spends most of its time concerned with character introductions and explaining the various aspects of the series’ world. Readers and viewers are likewise shown elements ranging from Cursed Energy and the different types of Curses to the overarching plot of Sukuna’s existence; and the efforts of the Jujutsu Sorcerers to put a stop to him permanently.

Granted, there is something to be said of the series’ earliest segments. Itadori Yuji’s choice to consume Sukuna’s finger, Satoru Gojo‘s introduction, and the devastating aftermath of the Cursed Womb’s awakening all ensure this arc isn’t entirely without merit. It’s just not on par with the sheer insanity of the rest of the series, and especially its highest highs.

10. Death Painting Arc

Nobara Smiling Maliciously at Death Painting Sibling in jujutsu Kaisen
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

Serving as more of a transitional section than anything, the Death Painting Arc is a brief but fun distraction before the series picks up in earnest.

In terms of action, the arc doesn’t disappoint. Fushiguro Megumi has one of his wildest fights in the series wherein he unleashes his Domain Expansion for the first time, all while letting loose in a pseudo-sadistic way not seen up to that point. Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki, meanwhile, show off some terrific teamwork in their battle against two of the three Cursed Womb: Death Painting siblings, allowing both to shine after having the series jump between characters for so long.

Story-wise though, the arc is a little lackluster. Outside of containing some mildly useful information tied to Megumi’s sister and some new antagonists, there isn’t much of a reason for it to exist. One could skip over this arc and still enjoy the series as a whole, with the plot providing the necessary exposition at later points.

It’s the definition of an arc that prioritizes style over substance, and doesn’t quite measure up to other arcs which offer an abundance of both.

9. Itadori’s Extermination Arc

Choso Shooting Scattershot Blood Attack at Enemy in jujutsu Kaisen Itadori's Extermination Arc
Image Credit: Gege Akutami and Shonen Jump

Another arc which suffers from its transitionary framework, the Itadori’s Extermination arc of Jujutsu Kaisen is a necessary lull in the action after one of the series’ highest points.

Picking up the story in the aftermath of the Shibuya Incident, its primary concern is establishing the current status of every core character while helping readers and viewers understand what comes next. The fates of Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo — as well as their allies — are slowly but surely illuminated, and the series’ endgame threat is introduced to better illustrate what’s at stake.

It’s a much-needed pivot toward focusing on the plot, but this also proves to be its biggest flaw. Whereas the Death Painting Arc might have had too little story, this arc has a bit too much. It can feel like a slog to get through, and you wouldn’t be blamed for being eager to return to the high-octane action seen in the arcs prior.

All the same, it proves itself necessary and is integral to the setup of the arcs that would follow. And, most importantly, it marks the start of the series’ climb toward what is arguably its biggest climax.

8. Culling Game Arc

Yuta and Cursed Spirits preparing to Activate Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Kaisen
Image Credit: Gege Akutami and Shonen Jump

You might be surprised to see one of the most action-packed and narratively-packed arcs so low in our rankings of the best Jujutsu Kaisen arcs, but hear us out.

On one hand, there are plenty of fights between interesting characters to be found in this part of the series. Curses, Jujutsu Sorcerers, and civilians gifted with newfound abilities are present in abundance, and the different ways their abilities play against each other make the fights in this arc as creative as anything seen in Hunter x Hunter or JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

The plot likewise moves at a breakneck pace, introducing key players and illustrating their motivations in a lightning-fast way that still allows the more important elements to shine through.

And yet, when one finally has a chance to step away from this portion of the story, it’s hard not to feel like its incredibly bloated. Because so many characters are introduced, it’s hard to care about each and every one of them; or, more importantly, to keep them all straight. You wouldn’t be blamed for wondering why so much time was given to a character that doesn’t move past the arc; or, better yet, why so little time was given to another more regular character whose arc ends abruptly.

This doesn’t make it the worst segment of the series, but it does hold the Culling Game back from being the peak of the series. Here’s hoping it’ll get some slower pacing when it is eventually adapted in the anime.

7. The Cursed Child Arc

Yuta and Rika Together During Final Battle of Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Child Arc
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

Sitting right in the middle of our rankings is the Cursed Child arc of Jujutsu Kaisen, and it’s likely to retain this spot indefinitely.

This isn’t because it’s a lackluster part of the series, or even that it fails in any particular area. Instead, the arc is clearly working out exactly what the series will end up being. Its tale of Yuta Okkotsu struggling to control the Curse tied to him, and the tragedy that continues to haunt him as a result, carries echoes of the narrative that would play out in the series proper, but don’t quite tug the emotional strings of its readers and viewers due to how brief the arc is.

Likewise, some of the fights featured are flashy and memorable, but others lack the punch and depth one would come to expect from later arcs; or, just aren’t shown in enough detail in general.

It’s a very middle of the road arc, and serves as a baseline which the series’ better sections would build off of and surpass.

6. Vs. Mahito Arc

Yuji and Nanami About to double-team attack Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

Arguably the point where Jujutsu Kaisen “gets good”, the Vs. Mahito arc sees the series start to distinguish itself in terms of both its story and action.

In addition to showing Yuji truly grasp his powers, the arc also introduces an emotional gut-punch in the form of his ill-fated friendship with Junpei. Not only that, but it introduces one of the series’ more captivating villains in the form of Mahito, who injects a certain chaos into the series which carries its conflicts forward beautifully.

As for the fights, they mark a turning point in the series. Whereas earlier conflicts might have felt like excuses for power-ups or exchanges of super abilities, the few clashes here are either fueled by the narrative or display a certain flow and brutality other Shonen series rarely achieve. This is especially true in the anime, where the Sakuga on display is downright jaw-dropping and only elevates the arc further.

Later arcs would manage to top it, but it’s still hard not to look at this portion of the story and know that the series was heading toward its renaissance.

5. Perfect Preparation Arc

Maki and Mai Holding Hands and Running in the Ocean in Jujutsu Kaisen Perfect preparation Arc
Image Credit: Gege Akutami and Shonen Jump

Few among the Jujutu Kaisen fandom could have expected this arc to play out the way it did, but damn if it didn’t make good on years of build-up.

Marking the climax of Maki Zenin’s character arc, this segment sees her enact her revenge on her family after they try to dispose of her and her sister Mai. Mai’s sacrifice to help her sister survive results in Maki’s power exploding, and what follows is less a string of fights and more a succession of one party one-sidedly pulverizing the other. The once cheeky young woman rebelling against her family is replaced by an avenger, and anything standing in her way is destined for obliteration.

To call it an epic tragedy given how Maki’s character arc started would be an understatement, but it’s undeniably compelling whether you’re invested in the series for its plot or its action. And, thanks to when it occurs in the series, it acts as a much-needed shot in the arm in terms of pacing which sets readers up for the more action-centric arcs that would follow.

4. Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc

Todo Weeping After Realizing Yuji Is his Best Friend in Jujutsu Kaisen
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

Ask a Jujutsu Kaisen fan to name an arc that exemplifies the better parts of Jujutsu Kaisen, and they’d very likely point to the Kyoto Goodwill Event arc.

And for good reason: While it might present itself as your run of the mill battle royale-turned-impromptu team-up a-la Naruto’s Chunin Exam or Bleach’s Soul Society arc, it sets itself apart with some genuinely moving character interactions. For every exchanging of tragic backstories, there are bonkers hypothetical flashback scenes and out of left-field team-ups that push the boundaries of what viewers and readers could or would expect.

Only helping things is the stellar art in the manga and animation in the anime. Regardless of the medium, this arc is resplendent with scenes and fights that sell the scale of the battles being waged; and, more importantly, the true magnitude of the forces clashing for supremacy.

We’d honestly point to it as the perfect arc for you to show to newcomers to get them interested in the series. It’s not quite as good as some later arcs, but it’ll certainly hook them long enough for said arcs to really blow them away when the time is right.

3. Shinjuku Showdown Arc

Gojo and Sukuna Clashing With Domain Expansions in Jujutsu Kaisen Shinjuku Showdown Arc
Image Credit: Gege Akutami and Shonen Jump

The Shinjuku Showdown arc of Jujutsu Kaisen was a long time coming, but it certainly doesn’t fail to live up to the hype.

Centered around the long-awaited showdown between Gojo and Sukuna, the arc follows both their initial battle and the aftermath of its conclusion. Outside of some cuts to the Jujutsu Sorcerers witnessing the battle, the brawl between the world’s Strongest entities is given the spotlight until its hard-fought conclusion, and the fight features some truly visceral art which conveys the sheer magnitude of the blows being exchanged.

This doesn’t change once the fight subsides either. The plot quickly sets itself up for even wilder confrontations between the remaining characters, and one of the subsequent fights is among the most narratively and visually creative in the entire series.

There’s little doubt this arc could rise even higher in our rankings if the anime’s adaptation can streamline some of its pacing and bolster the art further. But for now, it rounds out our top three comfortably.

2. Gojo’s Past Arc

Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Season 2 Key Art of Geto and Gojo Together During Gojo's Past Arc
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

For better or worse, the Jujutsu Kaisen series’ central trio of Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi were quickly outshined by Gojo and his friend-turned-enemy Geto. Their strained dynamic promised to be a powder keg the story would eventually set off, but it also begged the question: what happened to tear these two friends apart, and what was it like when they were still allies?

Enter the Gojo’s Past arc, which sheds a light on the sad tale which would define the lives of both talented individuals. Once two promising prodigies of Jujutsu Sorcery, their failure to save Riko Amanai from the nearly indomitable Toji Zenin — and the forces that were compelling him to hunt her from the shadows — set both on starkly different paths aimed toward making the world a better place.

The fact that it’s playing out in the past only makes the arc’s storyline more excruciating. Gojo and Geto’s confrontation in the Cursed Child arc, and the inevitable pain that will occur when they reunite in future arcs, is given new context thanks to what’s shown here. Their friendship was destined to be a tragic one, and there was no way for it to end without immense heartbreak.

Rounding out the arc are the fights. Supercharged by the emotion provided by the plot, each brawl is made all the more exciting, crushing, and brutal, especially in the anime. You can feel the desperation of these young men who thought themselves the strongest crashing into a wall of sheer ferocity in the form of Toji.

We could keep going, but it should be clear this is one of the best arcs in the series. And yet, one other arc managed to outdo it ever so slightly in most every regard.

1. Shibuya Incident Arc

Prison Realm Cube Surrounded by fractured images of characters in Jujutsu Kaisen
Image Credit: MAPPA and Gege Akutami

If we had to point to one arc which is not only the best Jujutsu Kaisen arc but also one of the best arcs in Shonen period, we’d have to go with the Shibuya Incident arc.

It has just about everything you could want, regardless of what you watch or read the series for. In terms of story and character development, this arc is dripping with plot progression, and everyone from Megumi and Gojo to Yuji is forced to confront major hurdles that stand between them and achieving their goals. Not only that, but it’s usually in the form of an unspeakable tragedy that forces them to contend with whether they can ever make good on their drives and goals.

At the same time though, it’s not lacking in action. Some of the series’ best fights are featured during its chapters and episodes, with some of the most notable ones being Sukuna vs. Mahoraga, Itadori and Todo vs. Mahito, and the the Jujutsu Sorcerers vs. Dagon. All of these battles boast terrific art in the manga, and the anime is absolutely dripping with Sakuga when it counts.

There’s little else that could be said aside from that this arc is Jujutsu Kaisen at its peak. Time will tell if another arc surpasses it, but our bet is that this will remain the undisputed best part of the series.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor’s degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.


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