Grounded: All SCA.B Theme Locations


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SCA.B Flavor Schemes completely modify the player’s SCA.B when applied by changing the color and tone of the HUD and other features of the user interface. SCA.B themes are one of many things players will encounter in discrete places. Aside from color, some of these SCA.Bs also unlock special themes. There is a total of 52 SCA.Bs – 4 default SCA.Bs and 48 SCA.Bs dispersed throughout the yard. However, the SCA.Bs in the yard is tucked away in secret, hidden areas that are difficult to find.


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The SCA.B is a device that the player wears on their wrist in Grounded that lets them oversee things like the map, gear, and item crafting. The OS tab in the SCA.B is where players can access and manage special themes and color schemes associated with the device. Moreover, players will set themes for the day/night cycle. SCA.B themes allow for more accessibility and visibility during gameplay while adding in a little extra for customization.

Default SCA.B Schemes

Grounded SCA.B Themes Default Pack

The 4 default SCA.B schemes are already unlocked from the start of the game. None of these require any exploration to find.

  • SCA.B Classic
  • High Contrast
  • SCA.B Night

Abandoned SCA.B Schemes & Locations

Grounded SCA.B Themes 5

These SCA.B schemes are scattered throughout the yard and difficult to find. They are usually hidden in complex and dangerous locations.


Aerobics SCA.B

In the southern area of Oak Hill near Old Ant Hill, this SCA.B is in the big garden lamp. There are a few ways to get to the lamp, but the easiest way without additional steps is by building on the oak leaf with floors, stairs, a Bounce Web, or roofs. Players need to aim to reach the top of the leaf. Once there, the SCA.B will be on top of the lamp.

Billy Hog Horror

Billy Hog Horror SCA.B

This is an easier SCA.B to attain compared to most on this list — located within the Calvo Can between the Koi Pond and the Flower Bed’s borders. The SCA.B is behind the can underwater. However, be wary of patrolling mosquitos hovering around the can.

Bug juice

Bugjuice SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the northern areas of the Hedge in the small Ominent Outpost. It is in between the Apricot Punch-O and the Flingman Flying Disc. It is easy to get to the outpost by traversing through the primary route of the Hedge. In the center of the outpost, there are jars with water droplets inside and a disheveled research pod. There’s a shelf close by where the SCA.B is on.

Chubbs Series

Chubbs Series SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Flooded Zone, inside the 4 Leaf Clover cave. Players will need to traverse to the end of the cave, and the SCA.B can be seen in some rocks. Before treading through, keep a light source ready to equip.

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Corporate Issue

Corporate Issue SCA.B

This is hidden behind a wall inside the Black Anthill. Players will need a Bratburst to break the wall. The wall will be down the center path of the cave in the upper section.


Cyberstrike SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the eastern part of the Hedge in the Flooded Zone within a small cove. The SCA.B will be seen on top of a power outlet, guarded by a large amount of larva, so its recommended players bring a reliable weapon. Players can climb on the power outlet’s cord and traverse upwards. After reaching the highest point possible, players will need to leap onto the extended portion of the power outlet’s top, which is where the SCA.B will be.

Dog Loaf

Dog Loaf SCA.B

This SCA.B is laying on top of a large plastic knife close to the beehive near the Picnic Table.

Flying V

Flying-V SCA.B

This SCA.B is on the top of Rake Rock Point. The difficult part of acquiring this SCA.B is fighting the Bombardier Beetles in the area and other enemies nearby. If players aren’t keen on fighting, they can make a lucky sprint to the SCA.B. There’s also some Raw Science close to the SCA.B’s location, which makes its location easier to pinpoint.


Frankenline SCA.B

This SCA.B is at the top of the Frankenline as the title entails, within the northwestern portion of the Flower Bed. Players can either build their way up the Frankenline or jump on top of it from the stone behind it.


Fright SCA.B

This SCA.B is close to the lowest entrance of Hedge Lab on a branch right above the door. There’s no right way to reach this branch, but the easiest way is to exit various doors of the Hedge lab and parkour through the branches. It’s best to rely on a branch above where the SCA.B is so it’s easy to hop down.


Frostbite SCA.B

This SCA.B is around the Pond Lab, near the breakers that are used to unlock the Pond Lab. The SCA.B is in a specific breaker that’s within the depths of the lab debris, which will require some swimming. Players will need to swim toward the edge of the corridor within the debris, which will be easier to traverse by swimming forwards. The SCA.B can be found at the edge of the corridor.

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Garbo SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Trash Heap, inside the cooler, and behind the juice box. The cooler is in the center of the Trash Heap, close to the Trashed AARTZ 3000 landmark. Due to the mass amounts of toxic gas, players should equip a gas mask while trying to obtain this SCA.B.


Ghostmint SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the room with a bunch of spider webs in the Hedge Lab. Upon reaching this room with the zipline, instead of taking a right to acquire the password, take a left. The SCA.B will be down the corridor.

Ginger Spice

Gingerspice SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Pond Lab inside the flooded portion. This flooded portion of the lab is around the broken area, where the player will need to use the console to unlock the doors. Players will need to venture into the lower area after unlocking, in which the SCA.B can be found behind a wall of clay that players will need to break.


Girthscape SCA.B

This SCA.B is in a cave within the Central Grasslands, under the Yoked Girth Head. The SCA.B is at the end of a tight tunnel. The tricky part of obtaining this SCA.B is avoiding the sleeping Wolf Spider. Players can opt to linger and wait for the spider to leave at nighttime, wake it up to take the SCA.B, or kill it.


Greystone SCA.B

This SCA.B is behind the IceCaps Mint Container in the Flower Bed, close to the fence, and the northernmost laser. The SCA.B can be found sitting on one of the support beams of the laser, resting on a nut.

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Gunmetal SCA.B

This SCA.B is inside of a cave under Spade Gulch, filled with Larva. To avoid the mass amount of Larva, players should try entering the cave through the Spade Gulch entrance. However, opening the cave will require the player to break the Acorns around the bottom hole, which will uncover the cave. Inside the cave, players will need to venture downward. After reaching the Field Station, players will need to go through the next tunnel, where they’ll find a flooded section they’ll need to sift through. At the end of the cave, the SCA.B will be laying on a table.


Hedgeberry SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Hedge, at the top area of the bird bath. Players can use their parkour skills to hop across the leaves and branches. Alternatively, players can build a zipline to the broken one close to the birdbath. The SCA.B will be within the water of the bird bath.

High Density

High Density SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Shed Surroundings by the Termite Cave. The cave is close to 2 Black Ox Beetles and behind a Pebble. Players will find the Pebble after traversing down the final hole.


Holidazzle SCA.B

This SCA.B is between the Pond Depths and the Koi Pond in an Ominent Outpost. Players will need to access a hatch close to the Depths Mouth in the Pond Depths. The hatch is attached to the ceiling inside the cave, which is easier to find if the player has a reliable light source. To initiate the hatch to open, players will need to get close to it. The SCA.B will be on a shelf inside.


HyperBlaster SCA.B

This SCA.B is close to the Flooded Zone, on the laser closest to the Flooded Zone. Unfortunately for those who hate building, this SCA.B is only obtainable through building and cannot be acquired naturally like all the others on this list. The SCA.B is on the battery of the laser, which is the laser’s highest point.


Javamatic SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Upper Grasslands, on top of the JavaMatic. Compared to most of the others on this list, this SCA.B is easier to access and can be done by traversing the wires. The SCA.B is found on the coffee jar.


Javamatic SCA.B-1

This SCA.B is in the Dry Grasslands, close to the paint can. The SCA.B is ground-level and is found in the spilled paint from the can.


Legend SCA.B

This SCA.B is behind the Hedge and inside the Fizzam Can. There is an Orb Weaver inside players should prepare to encounter.


Miterider SCA.B

This SCA.B is behind one of the lasers where the player had killed some Lawn Mites prior, inside the cave nearby. Inside the cave there’s a breakable wall made of Pebbles — once broken, the SCA.B will be beneath some Slime Mold Stalks.


Moldorc SCA.B

This SCA.B is on the highest point of the Castle Moldorc Playset, inside a room in the top spire. Players will need to put their building skills to the test on the castle — players will then need to go up the stairs on the castle to reach the top.


Muck SCA.B

This SCA.B is beneath the Pond Lab on the side wall. Acquiring this SCA.B will require some swimming, so it’s recommended to wear air-based armor. Players will need to swim through the Sunken T. Rex entrance and traverse the tunnels. In the end, there is debris that the player can investigate — the SCA.B is within this debris.


NeoMauve SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Westerly Ant Hill. Players should equip Ant Armor and a light source, such as a torch. Once inside, players will need to traverse and stick to the left tunnels only. At some point, players will find a body of water that they will need to swim through. After getting through the water, continue onward until there is an area with tunnels and a hole. Players will need to once again, stick to the left while going through. In the end, the SCA.B is close to a rock on the ground.


Panfish SCA.B

This SCA.B is behind Oak Hill at the exposed root of the Koi Pond. The root is partially submerged in the water and is the only root in the entire pond.


Porridge SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Moldorc Highlands in the northern pond area. Players should venture to the western area of the pond on the far left. There will be a small cluster of stones and a crevice the player can access. Once through the small hole, the SCA.B will be on the ground in between the rocks.


Punch-O SCA.B

This SCA.B is between Oak Hill and the Central Grasslands, on top of the Tropicop Punch-O Juice Box. Players can opt to build up the Juice Box or parkour through the grass blades to reach the top.

RPG Module

RPG Module SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Minotaur Maze’s End’s chest. This particular chest requires the Minotaur Maze Key. Once opened, players will also see a Mega Milk Molar and the Picnic Table Chip inside.

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Sawdust SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Termite Den. Players should arrive through the left entry and venture to the main chamber. After this, players will need to take 2 lefts throughout, and the SCA.B will be at the end.

SCA.B v1.02

SCA.B 1.02

This SCA.B is underneath the house deck, within the depths of where the mushroom is. The SCA.B will be on the ground.

SCA.B v2.11

SCA.B 2.11

This SCA.B is nearby where the Broodmother Research Notes are and the Hedge Lab — inside of an observation pod. Players should venture to the left side of the Hedge and search the outskirts. Players can reach the area by traversing the branches and using the roof of the Hedge Lab to their advantage.

SCA.B v.3.09

SCA.B 3.09

This SCA.B is near the Stepping Stone Summit and the Picnic Table. The player should stick to the left when they’ve reached the area. There will be a gap between some rocks — the SCA.B will be there on the ground.

SCA.B Bugged

Bugged SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the depths of the Old Ant Hill, on the ground, in the back of a dead end within the cave. When players are inside, they need to be wary of Worker Ants. Players will need to venture through the main chamber, in which they will come across powerful enemies such as an Orb Weaver and Soldier Ants. After killing the Orb Weaver, players will need to take the cave on the right side. They will eventually come across a split that takes the player to 2 dead ends. The left dead end will contain the SCA.B.


Sewage SCA.B

This SCA.B is within the pipes that take the player to the Haze Lab. To enter, players will need to go to the Exposed Pipe that’s on the edge of the Sandbox. There will be a cross-section ahead — players need to take a right. There will be Soggy Root ahead, so players should equip either a Spider Fang or a Bone Dagger to cut through it. After cutting through, there will be Diving Bell Spiders and Water Fleas the player will need to defend themselves from. Players will need to venture to the end of the pipe to find the SCA.B, along with a Mega Milk Molar.


Shallows SCA.B

This SCA.B is inside the Pond Lab’s Dome Room. Players will need to finish the entirety of the Pond Lab quest and the SCA.B will be on one of the shelves in this room.

Shine bright

Shinebright SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the caves that connect the Oak Lab and the Pond — it is filled with debris from the lab. Players can opt to reach this area by entering the Oak Lab’s outer cave or around the Koi Pond borders. Where all the debris is, the SCA.B is found on the ground.


Supreme SCA.B

This SCA.B is on top of the Flingman Flying Disc that’s in the Hedge. Players will normally find the disc when venturing to the Hedge Lab for the first time. Players will need to traverse through the uppermost areas of the branches. The disc is prominent and easy to find, with the possibility that a few Spiderlings players will need to be fended off.


Syndrome SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Rock Rake Point Spider Caves, beneath a body of water. It’ll be at the end of the cave inside the mouth of a hamster skeleton. An Orb Weaver will be guarding this area, so players should prepare to defend themselves.


Swole SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Upper Grasslands in the Yogi Swole Head, which is close to the Stump. The SCA.B is found beneath the head.

Table Gum

Table Gum SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Upper Grasslands inside the Fallen Ladder. The SCA.B will be in the center of some chewed gum on the left side of the ladder. Because the SCA.B is stuck, players will need to use a Black Ant Shovel to pry the SCA.B out of the sticky gum.


Textbook SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Flooded Zone to the far east. It is on the left side of the sprinklers close to the Hedge. The SCA.B is underneath a rock, and that rock is also underneath a leaf. Players will need to be wary of Water Fleas nearby.

The Sad Stab

The Sad Stab SCA.B

This SCA.B is beneath a cassette tape in the eastern area of the Yard. Players will need to keep an eye out for Wolf Spiders in the areas.


Tully SCA.B

This SCA.B is close to Dr. Wendell Tully, inside the Undershed Lab. Players are required to have all the Super BURG.L Chips and kill the Mant Boss to venture here.


Witchly SCA.B

This SCA.B is in the Hedge and will require quite a bit of parkouring through the leaves to acquire. Players will need to venture to the zipline area close to the Apricop Punch-O. Then, players will need to hop to the closest juice box, to the left leaf, and then an isolated leaf against the hedge wall. Next, players will need to jump to the leaf across from them which will cause them to fall to another leaf beneath them.

After this, players will need to jump back to the exposed area of the larger leaf, crouch underneath 2 leaves, and jump to the leaf right in front of them. At this point, players will see a branch at the top, which is evidently where the SCA.B is. Players should hop onto the skinny branch to their left, traverse across it, and finally, jump to the larger branch where the SCA.B is.

NEXT: Grounded: Best Weapons, Officially Ranked


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